The California Tiger Salamander by Jay Gubbi

Figure 1:California Tiger Salamander Summary and Ecology The California tiger salamander is a type mole salamander that is endemic to North America. Characteristics of the mole salamander include its iconic wide, protruding eyes, costal grooves, and thick arms. As seen in the photo, the salamander also possesses spots, which vary in color. These creatures are nocturnal, and fully grown, can reach a length of about seven to eight inches. California tiger salamanders are endemic to the Santa Rosa Plain, the San Joaquin-Sacramento River valleys and bordering foothills, and the coastal valleys of Central California south to Santa Barbara. Ecologically, the California Tiger Salamander is found in annual grasslands and open woodlands, where the climate creates hot dry summers and cool, rainy winter. In order to reproduce, the California Tiger Salamander requires vernal pools or other seasonal ponds to lay their eggs. Geographic and Population Changes Source:http...